

Realizing Potential

Accelerate Your Business Growth

To grow your business it is important to understand not only how much you want to grow and by when but why you want to grow.

The Nextree Business Growth Consultancy (Nextree) is passionate about and specialises in helping businesses in Brisbane, Gold Coast, Ipswich and Queensland (QLD) to achieve business growth and increase sales through a strategic planning process that leads to the development and implementation of effective business growth strategies.

This includes creating a strategic business plan, a business marketing plan and a sales plan, which together define business goals and business objectives that are monitored and evaluated.

Why and by how much does a Small Medium Businesses (SME) want to grow? They want to grow to provide a level of return to their owners and shareholders that reflects the risk of their investment. The reasons for growing a business are as varied as the many personalities of people, like you, who own and manage a business.

Why have a Strategic Business Plan?

There are at least two reasons for using a Strategic Business Plan in your business:

  • If your business needs to generate more than $200,000 or more per year and you expect to be operating for at least another 5 – 10 years, can you think of any reasons why you would not create a plan and budget?
  • On average 20% of customers leave a business each year. Is there any reason you can think of why you would not implement the best possible strategies for business growth and customer retention?
7 Benefits of Strategic Business Plan

A business plan with effective business strategies will enable you to:

  • Achieve your business and personal objective
  • Market to your best prospect and customer market segments and buyer personas
  • Better communicate with your customers and prospects
  • To increase productivity and cost-effective use of resources
  • To increase sales and improve your profits
  • Obtain the financial resources required
  • Monitor and evaluate progress towards business goals and objectives.


  • We make it easy for you to develop and implement effective strategies and plans which bring consistent results. To help you achieve this, our services are customized to meet your requirements because we know “one size does not fit all”.

    To achieve the desired business outcomes, the ideal business planning process would be made up of the items shown in the diagram.

Sales Process Improvement

An important part of developing and implementing business growth strategies is understanding what your sales process is and how you can improve them.

Sales process improvement should cover everything that’s essential for business growth: how your business generates leads, the channels used to distribute the product, sales team management, sales planning, customer relationship management, forecasting and integration with marketing and operational activities.

Whether yours is a B2B or a B2C business, ensuring all of these steps are part of your business goals is the key to successful strategizing and sales leads. Additionally, always have your business objectives defined clearly, and always use sales performance indicators to ensure everything is going according to plan. Get in touch with our business growth consulting firm for a more detailed and specific explanation.

Focusing on only one aspect can result in wasted leads, lost sales, sales targets being missed, duplication of effort, customer confusion, lack of coordination between staff and worst of all lower than expected profits.

Why do many sales models fail?

  • Lack of relevance to the customer
  • Big performance gaps between sales staff (or dependency on founding partners/owners/top sales staff)
  • Challenge of recruiting the right people vs. the best available
  • High cost of training and supporting sales staff
  • Each person has their own sales style (hard to corporatise)
  • Customer relationships which are largely transactional
  • Company is seen as product-centric not as “customer-centric” or as a “trusted advisor”
  • Information gathered is static, has limited value and does not integrate with other business processes/systems A sales process may look like this.

How to retain customers!